US Election: Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Baby Talk!

By Adeola Aderounmu.

Did anyone listen to Arnold Schwarzenegger? Did he listen to himself? He was talking about Obama’s skinny legs! What rubbish?

What has legs got to do with Ideology? This is the rubbish campaign that the republicans have been focussing on. Is that what the next leadership of the US should be talking about? Skinny legs?

Obama has spent substantial part of his campaign telling Americans what he intend to do with his democratic mandate if elected. His words are clear and his eloquence is a source of jealousy even to Arnold Schwarzenegger. When Schwarzenegger spoke at a rally in Ohio in support of McCain, it was obvious that he was jealous of Obama.

His jealousy for Obama’s eloquence and success robbed him of the ability to think right and straight. He was talking about Obama’s skinny legs. Has Arnold asked himself this question: what is the significance of big bodies with small brains and shallow thoughts?

Obama may has skinny legs but he’s definitely more intelligent than Arnold plus McCain. Like John McCain and Palin, Schwarzenegger joined in mere chorusing Obama’s policies and viewpoints. The republicans have shamefully spent the bulk of their campaign time listening to Obama and responding to his comments. What a way to go! Obama is leading in the pre election polls because he is talking sense and he is carrying people along. The republicans are not doing the same. They are busy responding to Obama and echoing his well thought out plans.

When Obama gave his infomercial Senator McCain said Obama was not telling the truth. But what stops McCain from telling the truth that we don’t know. What is the truth about the war in Iraq? What is the truth about the economy since Mr. Bush took over from Mr. Bill Clinton? What have the republicans been doing that has suddenly sent the American economy into recession? What is the truth about the nature of the problems that are confronting the Americans? McCain should tell us if he thinks that Obama has not.

Obama gave us issues, he offered ideas and he explains point by point how he intends to run his presidency. Obama has a plan. However, we are not oblivious of the fact that a president does not rule the country on his own and most of the decisions on economy, taxes, war situations and other issues of national discourse always have to pass through the Senate for approval. It is in this light that one can examine Obama’s juicy claims as tentative. Election promises are always tentative and there are no assurances that they will be fulfilled when reality of the day to day running of the political office surfaces.

Still, the election on Nov 4 will be a major turning point in the history of the United States. Will the undecided voters look beyond race as they make up their minds in the final moments? Will Obama excel over the Tom Bradley effect to become the next ideological president of the United States of America? Will racism be relegated on Nov 4 so that the actual voting will reflect the opinion polls?

The answers to these questions will be known in about 72 hours. As Americans themselves will say: God Bless America…!

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