The Lucky Bastards (Part 2)

The Lucky Bastards (Part 2)

Only a lucky bastard can decide to organise a Nigerian seminar in London knowing that there are no consequences for being a lucky bastard

In 2016, I wrote an article about The Lucky Bastards. It means that for a very long time Nigeria is ruled by very bad people who remain lucky to be in power because the people they ruled over do not really know how to use rage and other means at their disposal to change the order of things. I do not in any way imply a senseless military coup because it is the same lucky bastards that are in the military and civilian rulership in Nigeria. It is even 2 senseless military coups in Nigeria in 1966 that disrupted the development of Nigeria as a powerhouse in the world.

In 2024, as you read this piece, Nigeria is still under the rulership of some Lucky Bastards. These bastards are scattered all over the country and they are the menace behind the spread of poverty, underdevelopment, violence, kidnapping, and other vices that characterized the society. The greatest crime of these lucky bastards is however the sustenance of the criminal unitary system of government. It is the system that will continue to favor their misdemeanors and their insatiable urge for stealing/looting.

There is no amount or level of scandal that can shake the existence of the lucky bastards unless the people decide to do something about the useless system of government that sustains the scandals and corruption now under the supervision of Tinubu’s jaguda government. It is not even enough for the criminals ruling Nigeria that they were selected to rule in a stupid system of government, the audacity to commit crime daily and rub it in the faces of the people is beyond human comprehension.

The 2024 budget just like all the budgets that have been made in all the previous governments has allegedly been padded. This means that the already inflated allocations are re-inflated, and you hear of criminal senators (your dear brothers and sisters) walking away with 500 million naira for making the stealing x stealing possible. But nothing will happen because this is the history of Nigeria’s senseless unitary system (used by the military since 1966 and then sustained by the civilians).

Everyday, the senseless unitary system sustains a criminally inclined presidency, a criminally inclined senate, a criminally inclined house of representatives, criminal governors, criminal ministers, criminal commissioners, criminal civil servants, criminal private and public workers, decayed infrastructure, uneven development, permanent rural-urban migration, permanent japa, collapsed health and collapsed education, and so on and so forth. Nigeria remains one of the steadfast poverty capitals of the world because the lucky bastards are living a very good life, an ostentatious one and show no action towards dismantling the system of government that turned one of the most promising countries in the world to a ground for breeding poverty specialists, cultists, terrorists, kidnappers and a people almost totally disconnected from the meaning and essence of life.

As we write and read, a lucky bastard is relocating his children, family and friends to the developed country in the world. He or she has looted 100 to 200 million in the last few days, flaunt his or her stolen wealth knowing you can do nothing about it.

I heard one idiot called the accountant general of the mentally deranged country even organized a training/seminar/workshop using London as the location. Only a lucky bastard can move a Nigerian conference from Nigeria to London knowing there are no consequences for being a lucky bastard. He will not return to a crowd of stone throwing angry taxpayers. Imagine if Nigerians in London stone the MF and on return the Nigerians at home lock him out of his office. Just imagine!

But the lucky bastards have so demobilized and disorientate the people so that that there are no consequences for being stupid. You can even be mad and be dictating to the normal people if you are a mad lucky bastard.  

I do not see a (bright) future in a useless unitary system of government under the rulership of lucky bastards. Not in 2016, not today, not in eternity.

There is a need to end the useless system of government that select and promote criminals. It is important that that nations entrapped in Nigeria be set free and allowed to pursue own happiness, way of life and system of government.