Atiku Is Not Fit To Rule Nigeria

In 2006/2007 the police (EFCC) and the judiciary had more than enough to pursue the criminal offences of both Obasanjo and Atiku. But nothing happened. These arms of government are totally useless.

By Adeola Aderounmu

Adeola Aderounmu

Adeola Aderounmu


If we back track to 2006/2007, that time when Mr. Olusegun Obasanjo was bidding for a third-term and spending billions of naira of taxpayers monies to bribe senators and legislators, we will also remember that the resistance to that bid was headed by his deputy, one Atiku Abubakar.

At that time Mr. Olusegun Obasanjo had turned the EFCC in the hands of Nuhu Ribadu to a tool of witch-hunting instead of the cleansing for which it was intended. So he turned the EFCC on his deputy but it was an incomplete process because no one was arrested or prosecuted. The EFCC published details of the criminal offences of Mr. Atiku and did so almost daily in various newspapers in Nigeria.

In the fight back, MR. Atiku’s media aides did a fine job. They dug deep into the criminal records of Olusegun Obasanjo and also made sure that these criminal records ended up the pages of the newspapers.

So for several months, Nigerians enjoyed a free soap opera.

The two men who were supposed to lead Nigeria were consumed by their quest for power, Obasanjo for the 4th term actually having been a dictator/tyrant in the 1970s.

Atiku won the fight because Olusegun Obasanjo did not get a civilian 3rd term in office. Majority of Nigerians were against the idea because it would disrupt the already dysfunctional constitution-one that had already ensure that majority of Nigerians are poverty stricken even to this date!

The saddest thing, from my perspective, is that when Yar Adua became the president of Nigeria in 2007, Nigerians went to sleep as if nothing had hapened.

The Nigerian Media is a piece of rubbish.

The Nigerian police is the biggest joke in the world.

The Nigerian judiciary, for me, is absolute nonsense and ingredients!

The media needed to pepper the system and the people. It failed, and even now still sleeping!

The police ought to have utilised the documents that were released by both Obasanjo and Atiku because they are hard evidence on each other’s criminalities. They both showed why the other person was a thief.

The Judiciary and the police had more than enough to pursue the criminal offences of both Obasanjo and Atiku. But nothing happened.

Nothing concrete had taken place in Nigeria’s civilian regimes to put criminals and thieves behind bars even in the faces of hard evidence.

Now we hear that Atiku is a top notch for the 2019 elections. He is aiming to become the president of Nigeria.

Nigeria is one of the few countries on earth where known criminals achieve their political ambitions. I don’t need a reply for this article. I don’t need a rejoinder. I am so sick of the Nigerian political system where people try one way or the other to justify why we must coninue to run the political system we have and why every four years we must queue behind a thief.

Once, Obasanjo had boasted that Atiku will never become the president of Nigeria. So far, this remain the case. I don’t know if there is a settlement between them now or if one had gone behind to beg the other.

In Nigeria’s politics, no enemy is permanent. It is the interest (to seek power and to steal from the commonwealth)  that is permanent. That is why today APC government is full of looters and criminals from 1999 and earlier regimes.

As soon as Atiku’s interest came up again, the Nigerian Media owed Nigeria and humanity a re-publication of all the crimes that were made public by Obasanjo’s camp. They need to open the EFCC files and tell him why he needed to first go to court than to try to seek a return to the seat of corruption in Abuja.

They must re-publish those allegations and support them with the documents so that young people can see how Nigerian politicians have stolen their future even before they were born and whilst they were growing up.

People like me cannot prove these crimes, we have our limitations. Those who have access to the criminal files and offences and do not open them to the public and media will never know peace.

It is such duties that the media owed the people: to investigate, to bring back memories that could help to save the children yet unborn from these old scavengers.

For, once a criminal is allowed back to the seat of government, this entire circus will continue and suffering will persist in the land.

Atiku in my records is a criminal, just the same way as his boss  Obasanjo was. They both made this clear in their roforofo fight. So this is not something l made up. They told us themselves!

Nigerians need to thank Obasanjo for his misadventure, his 3rd term quest which we together with Atiku made sure never came to pass. But Obasanjo will deny this 3rd term bid until the end of time. We don’t care because it does not matter anymore. The other pain left from that was the ghana must go bags that went to the sena-thieves and legis-looters.

That Atiku, like 99% of other Nigerian politicians, is a free man is a failure of the Nigerian police, the Nigerian judiciary and the Nigerian law system.

So don’t blame the people who classify the Nigerian police as the worst police in the world. There are so many reasons for that including the zero effect of ensuring that politicians are arrested and prosecuted accordingly.

If there is a report tomorrow classifying Nigeria’s judiciary as the worst in the world, l will sign under it. l will, because as long as criminals can vie for office in Nigeria, then we can as well do away with the police and the judiciary. Why do we have police and lawyers when criminals are what we get in public service?

A lot of people in Nigeria settle for criminals in political offices because of the anomaly that has become the normal thing. That is there are no saints in Nigerian politics and since the law is ineffective in dealing with looters and criminals in government, the people have accepted the situation.

The consequences are huge. Nigeria is withholding one of the most tragic mode of existence for humans. Forget about the flashy lives of the rich and the celebrities! More than 100m Nigerians are poor and live in extreme poverty.

Some Nigerians prefer to go and die as slaves in Libya. That summarises the mode of life in Nigeria!

The people think that saints will never emerge on the political platform. The people have accepted criminals to go and come as they like into government offices. The people are easily carried away by the cash that these criminals spread around mostly every four years.

Some fools will come to the social media to defend crooks and looters in goverment. They will ask you, what options do you have? They will ask you, who do you want to be the president? Stupid thinking, stupid questions, senseles mentalities!

The people of Nigerian unlike the people in Sweden or England do not know that their rights and they think that their lives depend on what the politicians do or not do (largely true) but it should be the other way round. The people, if they are upright and thinking straight, should ask accountability from politicians and fire them within 2 to 3 days if accountability is not given.

That is where the people, the media, the police and the judiciary have let the system down in this unified passiveness.

In Nigeria, people continue to choose between different grades of criminals, they call them politicians because they think they don’t have a choice. Nigerians don’t look inward to promote good people and people who can actually change the system for good.

The other sad thing about Nigeria is that since there is absence of accountability and as a result of almost 60 years of stupid leadership/rulership, the people don’t know what a real government feels like. So, even when a good person is put into government, the system corrupts the person and he or she start to steal or loot.

A friend once told me that if any person in public office does not conform to these criminalities, that the person will be killed or gotten rid off one way or the other.

That is why today, in many government offices, there is sharing of bonuses every Friday or other regular intervals. I mean there is a lot of loose cash in the Nigerian economy that it appears everybody is crazy and corrupt.

In any case, Atiku can continue to exercise his rights for as long as the useless system of government in Nigeria permits him. He is not alone, l always say 99,9% of Nigerian politicians are criminals/looters and it’s so true.

The system of government in Nigeria must change. If we restructure the political landscape and make the president a ceremonial and figure-head position, the corruption and even the urge to become a president will likely disappear. Now everybody wants to become the president or the governor because of the lawlessness in the land  and the useless constitution on which Nigeria runs.

If Nigeria returns to regional government, Atiku will be vying to become a regional leader and l am sure the sharia law will cut off his hands if he is found guilty.

A regional form of government will bring about healthy competition among the various regions in Nigeria and any region lacking behind will ask for the heads of its custodians.

The regional system of government is the most promising option for Nigeria. The other option which is also growing nowadays is the outright dissolution of Nigeria.

One day the people will be pushed to the wall, they will take the laws into their hands too and they will chase the corrupt politicians, catch up with them and send them into exile or out of this world.

Nigerians, the ordinary citizens are hungry, angry, frustrated and see no meaning with life. Again, that is why crazy and lawless Libya is an option. I am sure there are Nigerians in Yemen and Afghanistan looking for ways to survive when we have a state governor who can steal 300 billion naira or more at this very minute and walk free!

The politicians are looting, living large, sending their children around the world, buying houses around the world and doing what they like with taxpayers monies. These crazy ways will stop. These crazy things will come to an end. I don’t know when, but l don’t think Nigeria will continue for another 60 years of criminals ruling and making the people slaves in their homeland and in places like UAE and Libya.

Nigerians must see the 2019 elections as an opportunity for 2 things.

One, push for political changes before the elections so that regions re-emerged no matter the opportunity cost. There is a need to pause this nonsense APC-PDP Dilemma deluxe.

Two, for once in our life time, look for saints, good people and visioners to move the respective regions forward.

If we recycle criminals in 2019, if we recycle those who became rich stealing from us (people who became businessmen/women after looting the treasuries around the country) and if we maintain the currrent system of government, then it is just another cycle of idiocy. Nigeria will remain a country heading nowhere.


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How Much Money Does A Man Need?

By Adeola Aderounmu

In 1996 before the end of my service year I met an elderly man in a village near Moniya, on the outskirts of Ibadan. I think the village is called Idi Ose or something like that. Some of my colleagues at that time had been going to that village before I arrived in Oyo State for my service year.

The village provided solitude, a sort of respite from the stress of the work we do as Nigerians at IITA. I think my colleagues really wanted to have a place where they can have peace from work and sip original palm wine or just relax in the shade when they have long breaks or at the close of work before heading home. There is always peace when you are close to nature.

The elderly man, a very good reason to follow on the short trips to the other side of the road, was a very good listener and he chose his words with wisdom when he spoke. On one particular day he revealed his vexations, his bitterness about the criminals and greedy people called politicians who loot or steal from the treasuries across Nigeria. His greatest disappointment was that the crazy politicians do not need so much money for a single, short life time. For most of us we will not live up to 36 500 days!

He must be in his 70’s then and he told us that he had counted the probable days left of his life. He made an example and said if he had just N1m, that it would be more than enough for him to live a good life for the rest of his days. So, he questioned the excessive looting by Nigerian politicians and public office holders. He could neither comprehend, nor understand the rational behind looting of several billions of naira or dollars by individuals.

It was from this elderly man that I first heard that having cars do not depict prosperity. It’s hard to admit such a line of reasoning in Nigeria and I understood it more in Europe where people leave their cars at home and enjoy bicycle rides to work and parks.

How much money does a man need actually?

The answers cannot be that easy and the question cannot be treated in isolation. It can also not be generalised.

The amount of money a man needs today will depend greatly on the country that he lives in. Even within a single country the amount will also vary locally or regionally.

But what a non-greedy “universal” man needs can be used a yardstick, sort of standard.

At every point in time, a man needs access to shelter. He needs food, water and above all a good state of health to enjoy the previously stated necessities of life.

But how does one define a universal man? Is he/she single, married or divorce? Does he or she have children? What kind of roles does the society play in the care of the underprivileged, the unemployed, the old, the ill and other categories of the people who one can classify as either dependents or weak?

In what ways can one connect the universal man to the others in the same society? This question is very relevant for countries like Nigeria because of the overwhelming abnormalities that obtain in how the society runs. It’s a totally dysfunctional society where bad politics and stupid policies have ruined the essential foundations of family, society and country.

A universal man who has come of age wants to have a job or do something in order to earn a dignified living or existence. At every point in time, he can live in one house or in an apartment. At every point in time, he can drive one car or ride a bicycle. He can only sleep on a bed. These things and all the other things that a man desires can be naturally influenced by taste and normal affluence.

However those who loot Nigeria’s treasuries do not understand that happiness comes from the perfect integration of work and play. They do not comprehend that happiness is also based on sound health, contentment with family, mutual coexistence with other people and peace with nature and environment.

[Abdulsalami, Shonekan, Babangida, Obasanjo, Jonathan, Gowon, Shagari and Buhari. Under these men, their executive councils, their ministers, several state governors and other accomplices that sometimes include their wives, Nigeria has lost over 600 billion dollars. They should be made accountable. Nigeria needs to make examples of the rule of law for real, and the "heads" are usually where to start so that other parts can straighten out. Never is it too late!]

[Abdulsalami, Shonekan, Babangida, Obasanjo, Jonathan, Gowon, Shagari and Buhari. Under these men, their executive councils, their ministers, several state governors and other accomplices that sometimes include their wives, Nigeria has lost over 600 billion dollars. They should be made accountable. Nigeria needs to make examples of the rule of law for real, and the “heads” are usually where to start so that other parts can straighten out. Never is it too late!]

Greed is the creator of insatiateness. When people working in public positions, Nigerian politicians in this case, start to think that they can build a perfect life based on the amount of money they steal or accumulate, then there is a tendency to open up a bogus life instead, that which is based on falsehood, criminalities and perpetual illusions that money is the sole basis of happiness or solution to life’s puzzle.

This is where Nigerian politicians are today. They found an evil haven in the nature of the crazy politics and ways of life that emerged in post-independence Nigeria. They created a buffer called the immunity clause that allows them to live as criminals in government and eventually they remain free criminals shielded from prosecution even after days of political plundering.

They found morally bad refuge in the useless law system that they helped to manipulate and rendered ineffective. Nigerian politicians who are well known criminals have rarely ended up in jails. Nigerians as a people are totally disorganised and weakened by ethnicity and religiosity amongst other factors that promote mental slavery. They back their own “local political criminals” or they simply adopt the “siddon look” approach. What a tragic sequence!

Does a man need up to 12 billion dollars in his life time? Why would a man steal so much money under the pretence of political service? Such crimes are previously thoughts to be reserved for the social misfits, career smugglers and armed bandits until it became the official pastime of public office holders in Nigeria.

Treasury Looters

Treasury Looters

What kind of satisfaction comes from buying properties that belong to the government and the people under the pretence of governance? Why do Nigerian politicians engage in looting competitions to acquire massive wealth that they cannot exhaust if they were to live their lives 100 times over?

Are these acquisitions growing signs of undetected mental ailments among Nigerian politicians? How much money does a man need? Leo Tolstoy made us understand how much land a man need. It’s just 6 feet.

The minimum federal wage in Nigeria is N18 000 per month. This poverty wage is so low and shameful it can only buy 3 standard meals at an average modern eatery in Nigeria. How does a man who earn N18 000 per month survives from one month to the next? Understanding this type of a question can help us arrive at what an average man needs to survive in Nigeria. It will illuminate the things Nigerians do in order to survive.

It will also in no small extent expand the scope of the mental ailments of the Nigerian politicians who earn more than any other group of politicians globally but still needing to steal or loot so much. Nigerian politicians will rub shoulders with the most corrupt categories of people in the world.

How much money does a man need? Is family a reason to become a thief in politics? How did Nigerians end up employing or selecting criminals as politicians all round and then end up doing nothing to rectify the anomaly?

When a man starts his own family, how much money does he need? How does he plan his household so that his usual income can cater for the need of his wife and children? What are the modern roles of women in Nigerian homes so that a family is able to maintain an economic stability that will keep them away from crime or criminal tendencies? I know that women are breadwinners in many homes anyway.

Irrespective of the amount of money that a man needs as an individual or as a breadwinner, the amount of money that Nigerian politicians earn and then loot will not be justifiable. It has been crime against humanity all the way.

Nigeria is paying her legislators the highest salaries in the world. Yet they receive unlimited bonuses, have access to contracts, and enjoy lazy times at the sittings.

Treasury Looters

Treasury Looters

In general Nigerian politicians earn a lot and steal a lot. A whooping 600 billion dollars may have been stolen from the Nigerian treasury in the past 50 years. About 200 billion dollars of these wasted monies have allegedly disappeared since the return of civilian rule in 1999.

What these looted or wasted monies could have translated into is immeasurable. But with simple logic, it is easy to assume that Nigeria is supposed to be the best country to live on earth. I mean who throws away 600 billion dollars? It’s insane!

The consequences include but are not limited to making Nigeria probably the most corrupt country in the world, one of the worst places to live on planet earth and a place where life expectancy is declining fast.

Nigerian politicians and former military dictators should be made to undergo extensive psychological evaluations so Nigerians can know what is going on in their heads. Answers may be needed for the sake of posterity. Nigeria may take the help of renowned anthropologists to do extensive studies on the mindsets of her politicians.

I’m serious to repeat that this is very important and necessary because Nigerian politicians are definitely not normal people. Their abnormalities are promoted by the absence of functional legal systems that ought to put away political criminals in prisons. It is also promoted by the absence of virtues that define sane societies for example Nigerians do not question the sources of wealth, they simply worship it. In the presence of money, majority of Nigerians simply lose their moral consciousness.

What is a politician or a group of politicians doing with stolen or missing 20 billion dollars or 12 billion dollars or even 1 billion dollars? Why would someone loot 300 million pounds in Nigeria and stash away in a foreign bank? Is the money his father’s savings or his family earnings? These types of politicians ought to have been rounded up and bundled behind bars.

It’s amazing how Nigerians have been enveloped by both the Stockholm and the Nigerian syndromes. These untoward attributes make up (the) almost irreversible tragedies that plague Nigeria as it is today.

How much money does a man need for a life span that is less than 100 years (36 500 days)? I don’t think these retards count their life span in days just to see how short life is!

All the atrocities committed by civilian rulers/looters and military gangsters have already taken their tolls and it is getting worse. Life expectancy in Nigeria is moving below the 40 year mark. Unpublished data in the hands of a medical doctor friend and classmate of mine puts life expectancy in Nigeria between 37-39 years old.

How long are Nigerians going to look on or away before they realise that their future had been stolen and that recovery lies entirely in their hands. The system of government is rubbish. We are just reading about a probable scenario where Goodluck Jonathan may have kept several millions of naira in Aso rock. Is Aso rock a bank or bureau de change? This type of trend is common in Nigeria but it is totally abnormal and crazy.

In every part of Nigeria, people need to organize sensible resistance and find ways to end the reign of the bad rulers and corrupt politicians. The people need to regain their consciousness and take back their regions in (to) normalcy. It’s going to be a very long walk to freedom.

It is known that all days can be for the thief. But no matter how long it takes one day must definitely be for the owner. With the nonsense immunity clause in Nigeria that protect criminals in government and the invalid status of the rule of law that fails to catch up with them, one day it will be time for the people to round up all the corrupt politicians and military dictators and tell them that enough is enough!

That’s part of the hope and probably one of the ways forward as well.




Obasanjo to Goodluck Jonathan: YOU ARE SUPER CORRUPT!

By Adeola Aderounmu

If you have not read Obasanjo’s letter, you are in the dark. Nothing said is new but for me it feels fulfilling to get an official confirmation to my blog posts.

Obasanjo said Jonathan has brought corruption to the level of impunity. That is a bloody lie. Jonathan just kept the status quo.

Impunity was there when Obasanjo came in. What Jonathan has done is to raise the bar.

With Obasanjo, Okonjo-Iweala did magic with Abacha’s loot that was returned to Nigeria by the government of Switzerland. Only Obasanjo and Iweala knew where the money went.

Obasanjo came into government in 1999 almost a wretched fellow. When he left government, he was super rich. No explantion for source of wealth. We know it is looting.

Under Jonathan, Okonjo-Iweale has presented herself openly as the ugly face of corruption-several funds have disappeared or gone missing. The largest sum of monies to disappear from the Nigerian treasury have taken place under the watch of Goodluck Jonathan, Okonjo-Iweala, Allison Madueke and Lamido of the central bank.

Obasanjo and even Babangida must be shocked that there are bigger thieves and criminals than them in Nigeria. Babangida must be feeling poor with the 12 billion dollars that the stole from Nigeria.

Obasanjo was been feeling silly by the 16 billion naira NEPA money that disappeared under his watch.

Goodluck Jonathan, together with Okonjo-Iweala and Allison Madueke are today Africa’s biggest thief. If you are reading this, you assignment is to go and find out how much these criminals have stolen recently in Nigeria.

I will never stop to say that Nigeria is the MOST corrupt country in the world.

If the sum we are talking about here disappears from the European Economy, Europe will face a sudden depression and global economy may collapse!

The level of corruption in Nigeria is the single most important tragedy of modern era on the face of the earth when war is not in consideration.

To event think that the name of the ”former pride” of the WORLD BANK Okonjo-Iweala kept coming up everytime money gets missing is a disaster to the reputation of the world bank.

Nigeria’s presidency and executive arms are so shameless and unbelievably corrupt you wonder what Nigerians are waiting for!

To include the legislators and national assembly in the sources of money missing from Nigeria daily is a source of permanent headache and worries.

In the midst of plenty, Nigerians are suffering, smiling and shieding looters! What about the states and local councils? You get Corruption Inc., Nigeria.

Obasanjo’s letter pointed how Jonathan shielded Ms. Oduah from punishment in a crime that is known globally. Goodluck Jonathan is the lowest thinker among the men who have ruled or colonised Nigeria.

Twitter : @aderinola

When Our Presidents Are Murderers: General Obasanjo to Jonathan “You are a Murderer”

By Adeola Aderounmu

In his letter, Obasanjo alleges that Goodluck Jonathan is keeping over 1000 Nigerians on his list of ”people to be killed or maimed”.

According to Obasanjo, it is likely that Jonathan is also training his hit squad at the same location that Sani Abacha trained his killer squad as well.

But Obasanjo warned Jonathan using the Yoruba Adage that ”The man with whose head coconut is broken may not live to savour the taste of the succulent fruit”.

What Obasanjo is saying here is that history may repeat itself fatally on Goodluck Jonathan.

I have heard 3 theories about the death of Abacha. One, that he died while having sex with an imported prostitutes. Two, that he was poisoned in Aso rock. Three, that he was shot by an army officer.

I don’t know which of these theories is correct but we all know that the coconut was broken on Abacha’s head. Obasanjo is now warning Jonathan about his killer squad-that the next coconut may just break on his head!

Olusegun Obasanjo was pissed by the fact that Goodluck Jonathan set a murderer free and gave him a royal welcome.

Al-Mustapha was the head of Abacha’s hit squad and he ordered the killing of Abiola’s wife.

But Goodluck Jonathan used presidential powers to indirectly set him free.

Goodluck Jonathan is the WORST thing to happen to Nigeria.

My own reaction to these allegations is that Goodluck Jonathan should be stripped of his presidential powers, arrested and investigated. In Nigeria, the carriage of justice-real justice must start from somewhere and this is a new golden opportunity.

How can you free a murderer in the first place?

Who will confirm or corroborate Obasanjo’s story of a new killer squad?

Jonathan is doing these things because Obasanjo, Babangida and Abdulsalami all got away with murders.

Obasanjo is implicated in the murder of Bola Ige amongst others.

Babangida killed Dele Giwa and probably a generation of Nigerian’s military men.

Abdulsalami has been implicated in the death of MKO Abiola.

It appears to be a tradition that Nigerian’s rulers are murderers.

Obasanjo is exposing Jonathan, the same way he was exposed and nothing happened!

What a country!
Twitter: @aderinola

Hypotheses Surrounding The Deaths And Diabolism in Aso Rock, Nigeria

I have a strong feeling that wouldn’t go away so I am “forced” to write about it. These are my hypotheses.

I think there is a covenant with some blood sucking gods or ritualists that human blood would be shed to keep the powers that be in Aso rock in Abuja on a smooth sail. This can be interpreted in several ways.

Since Babangida arrived in Aso rock, there has been some “necessary” bloodshed within the ruling family and a sacrificial onslaught on Nigerians.
Babangida has been in the killing business for a long time. As a soldier he may find it necessary to plan coups, execute his enemies and do whatever it takes including sending a letter bomb to an editor in 1986. He could have even killed an entire generation of Nigeria’s Naval entourage in the ill flight that ended in the mangrove of Ejigbo in Lagos.

I would not be surprised if he sacrificed his wife since the days he was in Aso rock only for the woman to depart this world later in a country far away from Nigeria. Who knows if blood pact is what keeps you in power against all odds in Aso rock even when the indications are rife that you run a corrupt government that should be overthrown by nothing less than a violent revolution. Who knows?

Who knows why Nigeria remains a single country when all indications are that the different regions will fare better as separate entities? What forces are keeping Nigeria together with over 100 million people living in penury and extreme poverty while the ruling class remains untouchable and merry-ing daily with billions of dollars?

How can we tell that Obasanjo did not sacrifice his wife? Afterall he also killed an entire community in Bayelsa State. Are these parts of the family and national sacrifices that must be made to keep power at all cost? These hypotheses may sound illogical but they definitely fall in line with a known pattern since the days of ruling from Aso rock.

It is easy to argue that people have been killed in Nigeria since 1959’s violent elections. But the pattern since the arrival of the corrupt Nigeria government in Aso Rock is different and resoundingly similar: kill a family member and kill as many as possible within the country! It sounds like the blood of the dead keeps the wheel of corruption and impunity rolling and then the perpetrators remain above the law. Therein lies the diabolism that reigns in Aso rock.

For all the crimes they committed, Babangida and Obasanjo have not been prosecuted. It seems they will never be prosecuted in their life time because they made the sacrifices-family and Nigerians!

Enter Yar Adua. He had been sick for some time and made it through as the governor of Katsina State. Something tells me he could have made it through the first 4 years of his presidency. But of course a humble man he was in some respect and he decided to take the bow himself. He probably thought Nigerians would let his wife rule as planned (or not). Before his departure he did something similar to Obasanjo by wiping a community in the Niger Delta. These men always made the National sacrifices to keep the blood flowing, to wheel corruption and impunity. My hypotheses continue…

I can make a very strong insinuation that Goodluck Jonathan gave his brother in place of his wife who celebrated her return from hospital with an alleged sum of N500 million. Nigerian rulers are insane.

Goodluck’s brother walked into Aso rock but he was carried out a corpse. Goodluck could not give his wife I assume. But something must be paid to remain in “bloody” power. Maybe I am wrong with my hypotheses. They just would not go away.

But in Nigeria, for the love of power, for the love of money, anything is possible.

Maybe I have been thinking too much, I don’t know. But these things ran in my head at the same time. I had to let them out.

In Nigeria, autopsies are rare. It would have been nice to find out exactly what killed Goodluck’s brother. Was Jonathan’s brother sicker than Jonathan’s wife who said she’d been dead for 7 days and her tummy opened 9 times? Her revelations came after all the stupid lies from her husband and the useless presidential spokespersons. We will never know. In Nigeria, secrets and corruptions go hand in hand.

When Jonathan’s brother died, Mrs. Jonathan was wearing gold. Now they have spent over N500m after this burial, they called it their own thanksgiving.

On the Nigerian fronts, it took a long time before Goodluck Jonathan saw anything wrong with the Boko Haram killings. For him, that is the blood needed to run the wheel of corruption and keep the impunity in his government intact.

Even after the intervention processes, blood is shed daily in Nigeria in line with failure of government and negligence.
So whichever way you look at it, my hypotheses follow a pattern that are arguable but definite.

I could have articulated this essay better. I could have added details, dates and all that but I’ll leave it and move on. I’m just blogging.

(All rights reserve)